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​Find out more about
The Christian Community in North America here:
Regional Website
The Seminary of the Christian Community in North America
Those who come to the seminary long to be healing servants in the world, serving human souls, Christian communities, and the earth herself. To make us true instruments of this healing we align our learning with the one we recognize as the guiding star of our humanity.
In this training, we seek the light of Christ as we renew our minds in a rigorous spiritual Christology and spiritual science. We seek his guidance in earnestly taking up personal becoming - in social life and through the spiritual disciplines of prayer and meditation. And we seek his presence at the altar in the sacred hour of worship.
For some, this leads to priesthood in The Christian Community, for others it leads to healing priestly work in other spheres of life.
Visit the Seminary website at
Listen to the Seminary Podcast, where the seminary directors discuss matters of faith and life in Christ at
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